it's a factoid: the 2cs bearish sentimeter remains in the low sixties to upper seventies for most of this year. the absolute low of bearish sentiment was 37.75 on june 23 2014 when spx closed at 1963. for a couple of days in october 2014 2cs got over 100 when spx went briefly under 1800. but by thanksgiving 2cs was back down to 42.70 with a spx close at 2073. by groundhogs day 2cs went all the way to 100 again as the wicked spx fell all the way down to 1995 from the 2060's. so there hasn't been a real gut buster rally in a year, and there's plenty of gaz in the tank.
the peaked dome is due in 3 months and so is armstrong pie among other toppings.
just saying......
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