Most people I know in cyberspace love gold or stocks. I do too. But, being retired, I'm still liking bonds after a 24 year bull market. Many players have gone to extinction shorting bonds for decades now. The shorts will be correct eventually, but the bond folk have heard every anti-bond story imaginable, so they are staying the course.
Paul Krugman published his first deflation book in 1999 (remember 1998??). Gary Schilling and Lacey Hunt are very different, but they too have been pro-bond ever since.
I gave up on intermediate to long term bond funds a few years ago when they mostly went to the short term end where I already had a position. But the possibility of a parabola in long bonds if 3% went to 1%, as in Asia and Europe, was too enticing, so I've been short term trading the long side in 25-30 year Treasury strips with EDV.
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