2CS is 222 today which is just a tiny bit above the 218 level of September 18 with the SPX 100 handles lower. I won't belabor you with all the technical data but look at good people like Carl Futia: http://carlfutia.blogspot.com/
The annual cycle of the Dow, also known as the "seasonal" in futures circles, has its 1928-2008 low date tomorrow, and short term tidal cycles bottomed today. Anything can happen when irrational human beings panic, but bargain buyers with cash can start to buy. Personally I'm too old to do that, so I will wait for a good rally and pullback.
The BKX (Philly Bank Stock Index) made a low today at the 1/2 level of its range as compared to the 3/8 range level in July:
Gutsy players are invited to approach the bar.
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