Are we really so terminally dopey or just ignorantly over-estimating our puny human efforts in thinking that we are changing the planet? The geological and astronomical forces which control the earth and its climate are so huge that it's laughable to think we are irreparably mucking it up with car emissions and utility company chimneys. Forest fires and volcanos do so much more damage, and even they have null effect at the margin. I like clean air to breath too, but let's not destroy the world economy in the name of yet another stupid religion.
Below is a cycle of tides, like a giant el Niño, which is a plausible cause of minor warm-ups (like the current warming) and coolings between the major ice ages. This only seems far out because the pro-BRIC, anti Western cliques are pushing for new Western economic recessions to solve a non-problem.
Al Gore's crusade (I use the word purposely) is the same old, same old stuff with the same old suspects. There was the "Club of Rome" in the 1960's and the anti-DDT movement which resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths from malaria all over the world. Just think. Rachel Carson killed more people in the 20th century than Stalin and Hitler. Shall we talk nuclear power generation? Can we really afford another frenzy of the lefty loonies?
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