Despite losing sight of him once for about five years, I have followed Terrry Laundry's work for over 25 years. His method is deceptively simple but capable of subtlety and power. The basic principles are that price declines result in cash buildups, and that the length of time of the cash buildup will be the length of the subsequent price rise in time.
Bear in mind that cycle amplitudes of the past did not match the price amplitude or change, but do suggest direction and timing. 2000 and 2003 were nearly exact. So if this has any merit at all, I would expect a choppy year after a late winter low, perhaps with an autumnal decline coinciding with the seasonal pattern for stocks. Then, and as Laundry thinks, based on the completely different methods he uses, there would be a rally into the late winter or spring of 2007 followed by a more substantial decline. Please bear in mind that this is an attempt to predict the future and is probably more like a parlor game or science fiction than serious technical analysis. My apologies to Loekke, Merriman, and others who do excellent cycle work. There are no guarantees on anything, of course, so take it as intended, as amusement or education.
Read Terry Laundry's work at his web blog:
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